Erik Karlsson


Dr. Erik Karlsson's work focuses on viral evolution, surveillance, and host-pathogen interactions. He began his scientific career with a Ph.D. from the Gilling's School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he explored how diet-induced obesity impacts immune responses to influenza infections. He then expanded his expertise at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, delving into viral pathogenesis, immunology, and infectious disease surveillance. Dr. Karlsson currently serves as Deputy Head of the Virology Unit at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He oversees all respiratory virus-related activities, including surveillance of human seasonal and zoonotic viruses. As the Director of the National Influenza Center and a WHO H5 Reference Laboratory, he plays a crucial role in global influenza and COVID-19 response. His work at IPC centers on monitoring endemic and emerging viruses in Southeast Asia, developing early warning systems at high-risk human/animal/environment interfaces to preempt future pandemics. A frequent consultant for FAO and WHO, Dr. Karlsson is also the founder of CANARIES (Consortium of Animal market Networks to Assess Risks of emerging Infectious diseases through Enhanced Surveillance), a think-tank dedicated to improving surveillance of infectious diseases at animal markets.

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