Svenn-Erik Mamelund


Svenn-Erik Mamelund is Professor in Pandemic Studies and Head of the Centre for Research on Pandemics & Society (PANSOC) at Oslo Metropolitan University. Mamelund received his PhD in historical demography in 2004 from the University of Oslo and has done research on pandemics for three decades. He is a leading international scholar in the fields of demography, social inequalities and history of pandemics, including the 1918-20 influenza, the 2009 "swine flu" and COVID-19. His work has been published in journals of history, epidemiology, medicine, vaccinology, and demography.
One of Mamelund' s recent accomplishments was leading a large interdisciplinary and international project on Pandemics and Indigenous Peoples at the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 2022-2023.
A central focus of Mamelund' s work is turning research into policy in the field of pandemic preparedness, nationally and internationally. Mamelund was a co-author of Norway's first influenza pandemic preparedness plan published in 2000, and he has served as an invited expert for the ECDC, WHO and the UN. During COVID-19 Mamelund was highly sought after and gave interviews to the BBC World Service, the Guardian, Deutsche Welle TV, El País, and the Wall Street Journal.

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